What is the Convention on Biological Diversity? What’s CoP15? Why should I care?
The Convention on Biological Diversity is a global treaty to protect biodiversity. Nearly every country in the world is a Party to the treaty.
At its December meeting, called CoP15 (that’s short for the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties), the “post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework” or “Paris Agreement for Nature” will be adopted. CoP15 is critical for nature.
Every decade, Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity come together to create a framework to guide and galvanize conservation under the treaty for the coming 10 years. The new framework being negotiated, known as “the post-2020 global biodiversity framework,” aims to achieve the vision of living in harmony with nature by 2050. It will be adopted at CoP15 in late 2022.
We need global action to combat extinction. That starts with world leaders choosing the survival of wild plants and animals over short-sighted, profit-driven activities threatening the fabric of life.
The ongoing extinction crisis is unacceptable. A recent study estimated that for every three species alive today, one could vanish forever by 2100.
UN scientists predict we’re on track to lose one million species forever, many in the coming decades. These species provide our planetary life-support systems, including food pollination, water purification, carbon sequestration and disease regulation. Human activities are driving species loss, meaning extinction is a choice. This year we must choose to stop it.
Choose to Stop Extinction. Sign the petition and join the call to make this the year we commit to stop human-caused extinctions. The future of life on Earth depends on us.
Join the movement
Right now world leaders are hammering out a global biodiversity agreement to address the extinction crisis. We need to let them know that we support bold action to save life on Earth. Nothing less will #StopExtinction, and all species are depending on us.
Join citizens around the world calling on negotiators to agree to stop human-caused species extinction and adopt a life-saving agreement this December.
Let’s Make 2023 the Year We Stop Extinction.
At CoP15:
- Ask countries to support a goal of halting human-caused species extinctions beginning now; improve the conservation status of threatened species and sustain all other native species by 2030; and ensure full recovery of all species by 2050 in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
At home:
- Answer this call to push for on-the-ground action to save species from extinction. This can include: ensuring robust National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans; creating emergency biodiversity action funds; declaring extinction emergencies; and all the work you do to address the drivers of extinction including habitat loss, human exploitation, pollution, etc.
- Amplify your work to halt extinctions using the hashtags #StopExtinction, #ExtinctionCrisis, #ExtinctionEmergency, #COP15 and #Biodiversity.
These organizations are unified in calling for an agreement to prevent human caused species extinctions at CoP15. Will your NGO join us?

To build global momentum to #StopExtinction, we need everyone possible to sign the Citizen Petition. Share the call to stop extinction with your friends and family on social media!
Raising awareness about the extinction crisis is a critical part of the fight.
We encourage everyone to use the hashtag #StopExtinction /#AltoALaExtinción / #ArrêtezL’Extinction when talking about any efforts to protect biodiversity. You can also use #ExtinctionCrisis, #ExtinctionEmergency, #COP15, #Biodiversity and #BiodiversityCrisis.